Bird RF 5014 Directional RF Power Sensor - USB Connector | APC Tech




Directional RF Power Sensor - USB Connector

Directional RF Power Sensor - USB Connector

The Bird 5014 RF Power Sensor is the most flexible RF sensor on the market today. With this Dual-Socket, Thruline® sensor, you may select from a wide range of Bird Elements to tailor the unit to your needs over a wide range of frequencies and power levels. Also, select field changeable input and output RF connectors from dozens of types including (N, BNC, HN, 7/16 DIN). Operate your sensor our Bird 5000-NG Digital Power Meter or via a computer with our windows compatible VPM3 Software and RF Meter App.

The DPS measures True Average Power and/or Peak Power with exceptional accuracy that is traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). It is also a highly economical RF power measurement tool offering reliable results for hundreds, not thousands of dollars.

See Datasheet for Element Selection


  • Measurements: Standard elements; true average forward power, true average reflected power, Peak detecting elements; peak forward power
  • Calculations: VSWR, Return loss, Reflection Coefficient
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More Information
Attribute Value
Manufacturer Bird
Impedance Ohm 50.0000
Directivity (dB) 30 dB (typ), exact value depends on element selected
Frequency Range Element dependent, 2 MHz to 2.7 GHz
Insertion VSWR 1.05:1 from 0.45 to 1000 MHz (with N connectors)
Peak average ratio 10 dB (max), with DPM Elements
Power range Element dependent, 125 mW to 1 kW full scale
Pulse Pulse Width Paremeters 100 MHz 800 µs (min) 26 to 99 MHz 1.5 µs (min) 2 to 25 MHz 15 µs (min) Rep. Rate Peak: 15 pps (min) Duty Factor: 1 x 10-4 (min)
Settling time < 2.5 seconds
Dynamic Range 16 dB
Power Supply From host instrument via cable connection
Absolute Accuracy True Average Power:, ± 5% of reading (15 to 35 °C), ± 7% of reading (-10 to 50 °C) Peak Power , ± 8% of full scale
Dimensions 2.3 in x 2.1 in x 3.5 in (58mm x 53mm x 89 mm)
Interface USB 1.1, Type B
More Information
Attribute Value
Data Sheet Click here to view

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