Alaris Antennas
Specialised rf broadband antennas for use in communication, frequency spectrum monitoring, test and measurement, electronic warfare and other specialised markets.

Alaris Antennas are renowned substantial supplier of advanced Electronic Warfare (EW) antennas, for the global defence and security markets. Alaris Antennas’ deliver high-quality antenna solutions, specialising in supplying innovative, customised antennas and related RF product solutions to global RF system integrators.
APC Technology Group are one of the UK's leading distributors for all major RF Atenna Manufacturers. We provide our customers with specialised antenna solutions, with specific expertise in Direction Finding (DF), Monitoring, Jamming, Counter-RCIED and Communication applications, Log Periodic Dipole Arrays (LPDA), Masts and supporting RF Electronics. For more information on how APC Technology Group can help you find the right antenna solutions, get in contact with a member of our team.

Direction Finding (DF) Antennas
Direction finding antennas are used in spectrum monitoring, ITU applications, transmitter fault finding and EW systems to establish the direction from which a received signal was transmitted. Alaris Antenna design and manufacture direction finding (DF) antennas of all sizes, for all applications.
These antennas come in a range of different sizes from briefcase carried hand-operated DF antennas to large mast-mounted arrays. Between these two extremes lie a series of vehicle, tripod, helicopter, ship and submarinemounted antennas.

Counter-RCIED and Communication Antennas
Alaris Antenna partnered with leading manufacturers of RCIED jamming equipment to provide suitable antennas in manpack and vehiclemounted configurations. Radio frequency jammers provide the best defence against radio-triggered IEDs. Because of the extremely broad range of frequencies that are used to trigger RCIEDs, an effective wideband antenna system is essential to ensure the best possible protection.
APC provide an extensive range of Alairs Antenna HF, VHF, UHF and SHF (L-, S- and Cband) omni-directional and directional communications antennas, designed for mobile, base station and man-portable applications, point-topoint and point-tomultipoint radio communications.

Log Periodic Dipole Arrays (LPDAs)
Log Periodic Dipole Arrays (LPDAs) are wideband antennas providing directional gain and are typically used for wideband monitoring, antenna testing and jamming applications. Their broad frequency coverage reduces the number of antennas required in an EW system.
APC provide the full range of Alaris Antenna LPDAs to cover the spectrum from 2 MHz to 6 Ghz. High-power versions are offered for jamming purposes, lower power versions for monitoring applications. Hybrid LPDA-dipole designs provide compact antennas which still perform at low frequencies.

Monitoring and Counter-RCIED
A direction finding antenna is used in spectrum monitoring, ITU applications, transmitter fault finding and EW systems to establish the direction from which a received signal was transmitted. Alaris Antenna design and manufacture direction finding (DF) antennas of all sizes, for all applications. The full range of Alarais direction finding antennas are availble from APC.
For further technical information, or support finding the right components for your applications, reach out to a member of our expert RF and Microwave team.
0330 313 3220 | [email protected]