High Speed Semiconductor, RFICS and MMICS

APC Technology Group offers a wide range of high speed mixed signal integrated circuits for applications in high-speed telecoms, plus analogue and digital signal processing. Products include: amplifiers, attenuators, detectors, gain blocks, mixers, phase shifters and switches.
- Serialisers/deserialisers, broadband delay lines, amplifiers, high-speed logic to 50GBps, clock processors plus ADCs (analogue to digital converters) and SHA (sample and hold/track and hold amplifiers)
- Monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) from DC120GHz in GaAs, GaN, InP, InGaP HBT as die / chips and in ceramic and plastic packaging.
- Applications include wireless and wired communications, satellite, radar systems, cellular infrastructure, instrumentation, aerospace and CATV.
- Amplifiers (distributed, driver, LNA and ultra LNA, power), attenuators, detectors, frequency multipliers, front end modules (FEMs), gain blocks, mixers, multifunction chips, phase shifters, switches to 67GHz.
- High-performance RF Power transistor solutions utilising GaN-on-SC, Si-LDMOS and Si-VDMOS semiconductor technology.
- Legacy solid-state RF power transistors from 2.7GHz to 12GHz and output powers to 135W. GaN/SiC HEMT RF power transistors, UHF to C-Band, 1200W output power for pulsed applications.
- Fully matched 50Ω GaN/ SiC and LDMOS power transistors for S, C and X-Band.
- Aerospace and defence, weather radar, air traffic control, avionics (IFF, SSR, DME, TACAN), data links, electronic warfare and ISM.
For technical sales and expert advice on high speed semiconductors, RFICS and MMICS or to discover
our full range of RF and Microwave components, contact our RF team on:
0330 313 3220 | [email protected]