The HI-35930 from Holt Integrated Circuits is a CMOS integrated circuit for interfacing a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) enabled microcontroller to the ARINC 429 serial bus. The device includes two receivers, each with user-programmable label recognition for any combination of 256 possible labels, 32 x 32 Receive FIFO, 3 priority-label quick-access double-buffered registers and analog line receiver. Both line receivers meet the lightning requirements of RTCA/DO-160G, Section 22, Level 3 Pin Injection Test Waveform Set A (3 & 4), Set B (3 & 5A) and Set Z (3 & 5B) using no additional external components. The HI-35930 is a drop-in replacement for Holt’s popular HI-3593, enabling customers to add lightning protection to existing designs with a minimum of re-qualification or re-use existing software on new designs.
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