IQ-0618 Marki Microwave | APC Technology Group



Marki Microwave

Quadrature-IF Double-Balanced Mixer

An IQ mixer is a special mixer that has quadrature IF outputs. It is different from an IR/SSB mixer because it put data in both sidebands around the LO, but with different phase such that the two data signals can be retrieved independent of each other. The I and Q inputs to the mixer will show up 90° out of phase with each other on the RF side, and can then be retrieved using another IQ mixers.

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Key Features
  • LO/RF 6.0 to 18.0 GHz
  • IF DC to 500 MHz
  • 7.5 dB Typical Conversion Loss
  • 35 dB Typical LO to RF Isolation
  • 3 Degree Typical Quadrature Phase Deviation
  • .4 dB Typical Amplitude Deviation
IF (GHz) DC to 0.5
LO Drive Min (dBm) +10 to +16
Conversion Loss (dB) 7.5
Isolations L-R (dB) 35
Isolations L-I (dB) 20
RF/LO (GHz) Low
RF/LO (GHz) High
Image Rejection (dB) 23
Product Type Legacy IQ/IR/SSB
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Data Sheet Click here to view

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