
About Durridge
In addition to market-leading continuous gas monitors, Durridge also provides a wide range of accessories, capture software for performing sophisticated radon data analysis, and expert calibration and maintenance services.
Today, thousands of Durridge RAD7s are deployed worldwide, and the all-new RAD8 reimagines scientific-quality electronic radon monitors with complete top-to-bottom upgrades.
Continuous Radon Monitoring Systems for Air, Water and Soil
The Rad8 Radon and Thoron monitor provides continuous real-time Radon and Thoron spectral analysis. With its cutting-edge features and optimisations for outdoor use, the RAD8 revolutionises radon/thoron monitoring in the field and the lab.
The RAD8 builds on the success of the RAD7 - widely used by professional radon testers, mitigators and home inspectors, as well as by research scientists studying groundwater, mines, deserts, the ocean and volcanoes at extreme temperatures.
The solutions on offer from Durridge are ideal for a variety of applications including:
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