Focus Microwaves

About Focus Microwaves
Focus Microwaves is a pioneering engineering company, built around the innovations of its founder Dr Christos Tsironis who developed his first manual tuner in 1973 and is the inventor of most existing electro-mechanical tuner families.
From humble beginnings in 1988, Focus has become the main manufacturer of advanced load pull and noise tuner systems. Their mission is to provide effective, reliable and innovative solutions for non-50 Ohm testing (noise and load-pull) of RF microwave transistors, thus enabling customers to compete in the marketplace with better designs and to advance the understanding and knowledge of the field.
- Active and passive load-pull equipment and accessories to 140ghz.
- Delta tuners for on-wafer measurements, fundamental and harmonic to 67ghz ideal for 5G applications.
- Active load-pull with the RAPID product line for fast load-pull and modulated measurements to 40ghz.
- Passive tuners for fundamental and harmonic applications from 10mhz to 140ghz.
- Auriga pulsed I-V (Current-Voltage)/RF characterisation system for active devices including fets, bjts, gan hemts, LDMOS, sic & Graphene.
- Mesuro behaviour modelling of high-frequency transistors through a direct extension from linear S-parameters.
Available in the UK from APC, its wide range of non-50 Ohm measurement products and systems include active and passive load-pull tuners and noise characterisation systems through to pulsed IV measurements and bias tees.