Micro Lambda Wireless

About Micro Lambda Wireless
For the RF and microwave designer, Micro Lambda’s oscillators, filters, and synthesisers use leading YIG-tuned technology to provide superior quality and performance. Its YIG devices and equipment offer the biggest names in the EW, ISM, and aerospace industry the lowest phase noise and superior multi-octave tuning capability. With this technology in hand, its customers are creating the next generation of test instruments, signal generators, spectroscopy equipment, receivers, jammers, communication systems and more.
Micro Lambda's YIG products are entrusted by the biggest names in defence, aerospace, and commercial programs to perform the most critical of functions. Testament to their faith, we've grown to become the largest independent supplier of YIG-based components and assemblies in the world, delivering over 20,000 units annually.
Available from APC, Micro Lambda’s microwave oscillators and synthesisers are for all applications to 40GHz plus, specialising in wide frequency coverage, low phase noise, small step size, low power, fast switching speed, good spectral purity, small size and low cost.
Products from Micro Lambda Wireless include:
- Permanent magnet oscillators (low input power) 2GHz to 44GHz
- Electromagnetic YIG oscillators (wide tuning range) 700 MHz to 40 GHz
- Bandpass filters – 500 MHz – 50 GHz
- Band-reject filters – 350 MHz to 20 GHz
- Frequency synthesisers – 0.050 GHz – 32 GHz
- Multipliers – 1 GHz – 18 GHz
- Benchtop band-pass filters – 500 MHz – 50 GHz
- Benchtop band-reject filters – 0.350 GHz – 20 GHz
- Benchtop synthesisers – 0.050 GHz – 33 GHz
Cross-reference to legacy Avantek oscillators
Micro Lambda Wireless News
First wideband production Millimeter-Wave tuneable notch filters from Micro Lambda Wireless
Join APC at ARMMS RF & Microwave Conference on 17th - 18th April 2023
Miniature MLMS Series frequency synthesisers now available with single +5 volt supply
Join APC at ARMMS RF & Microwave Conference on 25th - 26th April 2022