OHB Austria

About OHB Austria
OHB Austria has conducted more than 20 years of research on how to provide a reliable and cost-effective method of monitoring and augmenting GNSS services.
With Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) positioning and timing services forming the backbone of many applications and markets, it's not only precision that matters, but integrity too. Organisations, need to be protected against unintentional and even intentional disturbances.
With a view to providing GNSS quality assurance, OHB Austria is a specialist in the continued development and combination of navigation, telecommunications, and information technologies as well as services for a wide variety of applications in the context of satellite-based navigation systems. With the know-how of their technical team, they have developed solutions, services, and applications according to customer and market needs.
Real-time GNSS Simulation
The GNSS simulator of OHB Austria is modular, functional, and intuitive and is capable of generating all public GNSS signals and frequencies available today. It offers direct RF signal playback in real-time or alternatively digital IF baseband signal generation. Additionally, simulation of GNSS receiver observables is available. The simulator capabilities can be adjusted in terms of features to meet the user requirements exactly by offering optional signals, frequency bands, and simulation of interference and multiple receivers. The simulator provides a real-time input interface and thus supports hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing, e.g. for automotive applications.
GNSS Interference Detection & Analysis System (GIDAS)
GIDAS adds to the security of GNSS applications by making threats visible. GIDAS is a scalable real-time system to monitor the GNSS services on-premises and alerts in the case of malfunction or performance degradation. The heart of GIDAS is formed by a multitude of jamming and spoofing detection techniques, developed following more than 20 years of research by OHB Austria.