PMM Narda

About PMM Narda
PMM is a brand of Narda Safety Test Solutions, a global leader in the development and production of measuring equipment for electromagnetic fields, owning more than 95% of all published patents for measuring such fields. A highly innovative company that regularly develops new technologies and instruments to cover the most demanding applications in Safety (EMF) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).
Narda Safety Test Solutions is a leading manufacturer of high-precision quality measurement technology in the areas of safety in electromagnetic fields, interference localisation and spectrum monitoring, and EMC. Safety in electromagnetic fields includes broadband and frequency selective field strength meters, area monitors, and body-worn monitors for personal safety. Interferer Localisation and Spectrum Monitoring include real-time receivers and automatic DF antennas for direction finding and localisation of radio signals as well as long-term monitoring. EMC provides measurement instruments for verifying the electromagnetic compatibility of electrical equipment (brand name PMM).
Narda Safety Test Solutions, EMC & RF Safety Testing in the UK.
EMC Products
Products for demonstrating the electromagnetic compatibility of devices (EMC), i.e. for investigating inadvertent high-frequency emissions that can interfere with other equipment as well as the immunity to irradiation that could interfere with a device.
Personal Safety EMF
Personal monitors, worn on the person. The devices monitor the electromagnetic fields and warn of excessive field strengths, e.g. when working on industrial equipment, broadcasting or mobile phone stations, radar installations or other sources of electromagnetic radiation.
Area monitoring
In everyday life, we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields (EMF) wherever we are. They come from power lines, electricity cables, cellular radio and cordless phones and many other things, too. protect the public, the limit values are checked regularly and sometimes monitored continuously. Narda offers various measuring stations and systems for this purpose.
Wideband EMF
Measuring equipment for electromagnetic fields (EMF) for demonstrating safety and environmental compatibility. The devices measure the total electric and/or magnetic field strength and automatically compare it with limit values specified by national and international bodies in standards or directives.
Selektive EMF
Selective measuring equipment for electromagnetic fields (EMF) for demonstrating safety and environmental compatibility. The devices analyse individual frequency ranges and field exposure levels accurately down to a single communications channel. They also calculate the sum and compare levels with current limit values.