Radiation Monitoring Solutions | APC Technology Group

Radiation Monitoring Solutions

APC's Test Solutions team partners with some of the world's leading manufacturers of radiation monitoring solutions. Working in collaboration, we offer technical insight and first-hand support to help you achieve your project requirements - whether it's keeping people safe from the effects of radiation or driving forward academic research.

Spectrometry SystemsSpectrometry Systems

Spectrometry Systems

Environmental Monitoring SystemsEnvironmental Monitoring Systems

Environmental Monitoring Systems

Radiation Scanning SystemsRadiation Scanning Systems

Scanning Systems

Liquid and Gas Efflent MonitorsLiquid and Gas Efflent Monitors

Liquid and Gas Effluent Monitors

Radiation Portal MonitorsRadiation Portal Monitors

Radiation Portal Monitors

In-vivo Counting SystemsIn-vivo Counting Systems

In-vivo Counting Systems

Environmental Monitoring SystemsEnvironmental Monitoring Systems

Environmental Monitoring Systems

Continuous Radon Monitors

Continuous Radon Monitors

Continuous Radon Monitors

Radiation monitoring solutions featuring equipment from some of the world's leading manufacturers

Get expert advice on radiation monitoring solutions

Working alongside our technology partners, APC Technology Group is able to support organisations working in nuclear environments with reliable, robust and trusted radiation monitoring solutions.


Contact a member of our team to get expert insight and technical support with your latest projects and applications.