Keysight Technologies DSOX3052T Digital Storage Oscilloscope| APC



Keysight Technologies

Oscilloscope, 2 channel , 500 MHz

The DSOX3052T, 500 MHz oscilloscope provides 2 analog channels, 4 Mpts memory, 1,000,000 waveforms/sec update rate and standard touch zone trigger with an 8.5-in capacitive touch screen.

Whats Included

Factory3-year warranty (90 days for unserialized accessories such as passive probes). Certificate of calibration, 3-year calibration interval. Secure erase. One N2843A 500 MHz 10:1 attenuation passive probeper channel. Multi-language interface and help: English, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Polish, Thai, Turkish. Documentation CD containing localized users guide, service guide, and programmers manual. Localized power cord and overlay

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More Information
Attribute Value
Form Digital Storage
Range InfiniiVision
Series 3000T X-Series
Bandwidth 500 MHz
ADC Bits 8 Bits
Max Memory Depth 4 Mpts
Max Sample Rate 5 GSa/s
Bandwidth Upgrades Available
Display Size 8.5 inch
Special Triggers Touch Zone Trigger, edge, pulse width, video, protocol decodes, zone touch, edge then edge, pattern, runt pulse, rise/fall time, Nth edge burst, setup and hold
Waveform Update Rate 1,000,000 wfms/s
Channels 2
More Information
Attribute Value
Data Sheet Click here to view

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