Keysight P9241A USB Oscilloscope | APC Technology Group



Keysight Technologies

Oscilloscope, 200 MHz, 2 ch, 5 GSa/s

Compact, faceless, USB oscilloscope using Keysight’s InfiiniVision technology. Available at 200 MHz and 5 GSa/s. Offers a small footprint and mobility.

Whats Included

Two N2843A probes. Quick start guide. USB 3.0 cable assembly. Power supply, external AC-DC adapter. Power cord. Calibration certificate

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More Information
Attribute Value
Range Handheld, Modular, USB
Bandwidth 200 MHz
ADC Bits 8 bits
Max Memory Depth 4 Mpts
Max Sample Rate 5 GSa/s
Bandwidth Upgrades Not Available
Special Triggers Touch Zone Trigger
Built In Instruments (Optional) 3-digit DVM, 20 MHz AWG, 8-digit Counter, Protocol analyzer (optional software), Frequency response analyzer
Protocol Trigger & Decodes Optional
Channels 2
More Information
Attribute Value
Data Sheet Click here to view

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