
IRIG Time Code Receiver and Generator for Computers (PCI Express)

The TCR180PEX receives IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500 time codes and can be used for synchronizing the system time of its host PC. The output of this card can generate an IRIG signal for other IRIG time code readers. The output format is independent from the incoming IRIG signal - a perfect solution to your IRIG conversion requirements.
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Further information The board TCR180PEX has been designed to receive and to generate IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500 time codes.

It is used in applications like data acquisition, standalone computer time Synchronisation (for systems without a network connection or higher accuracy requirements) or as an IRIG converter device.

The module provides two input channels for decoding of modulated and unmodulated time codes in IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500 format. The receiver's automatic gain control (AGC) allows the reception of modulated IRIG signals within an amplitude range from 600 mVpp to 8 Vpp. In addition, the TCR180PEX provides an optocoupler input for decoding unmodulated codes with TTL- or RS-422 level for example. The board can be delivered with an optical input for unmodulated codes optionally.
The decoded date and time can be read via the PCI Express interface and is also transmitted via the board's RS-232 port. A buffered real time clock keeps time and date after power down.

The board TCR180PEX can generate time codes in IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500 format. These signals are provided as modulated (3 Vpp/1 Vpp into 50 ohm) and unmodulated (TTL into 50 ohm and RS-422) time codes. An optical output for unmodulated codes is available on request.
The independent configuration of the time code and its offset to UTC of the receiver and the generator allows the use of TCR180PEX for time code conversion applications.

The drivers package for Windows contains a time adjustment service which runs in the background and adjusts the Windows system time continuously and smoothly. A monitor program is also included which lets the user check the status of the device and the time adjustment service, and can be used to modify configurable parameters, if run with administrator rights.

The driver packages for Linux and FreeBSD contain a kernel driver which allows the board to be used as a reference time source for the NTP daemon which is shipped with most Unix-like operating systems. This also turns the computer into an NTP time server which can also provide accurate time to NTP clients on the network. Some command line tools can be used to setup configurable parameters and monitor the status of the board.

For usage of the card on other operating systems please contact Meinberg support: [email protected].

The device's serial port is not required for operation but can be used to update the card's firmware, or provide another computer with the current time via a serial time string.

If you are going to use the TCR180PEX in your own applications, please download our software development kit which contains libraries and sample code and shows how to access the card from within your software.

All drivers and API sample source code can be downloaded free of charges from our website and we are happy to assist you if you face any difficulties in using the Meinberg driver API in your software development process.
RoHS Yes
Product Type PCIe Clocks
Status info Status info by 4 LED light indicators (2mm light pipes)
Init - blue: while the receiver passes through the initialization phase
Data - green: correct time code detected
Tele - green: telegramm consistent
Fail - red: the internal timing is in holdover mode
Frequency Outputs Frequency synthesizer 1/8 Hz up to 10 MHz (TTL, sine 1,5Vrms)
Pulse outputs Three programmable pulse outputs, TTL level
Channel 0 also with RS232 level
Data format of interfaces Baud rate: 300 Bd...115200 Bd
Data format: 7E2, 8N1, 8N2, 8E1, 7N2, 7E1, 801
Time telegram: Meinberg Standard-Telegram , SAT, Uni Erlangen (NTP), SPA, RACAL, COMPUTIME, ION or Capture-Telegramm
Generated Time Codes IRIG A002: 1000pps, DCLS signal, no carrier, BCD time of year
IRIG A132: 1000pps, AM sine wave signal, 10 kHz carrier, BCD time of year
IRIG A003: 1000pps, DCLS signal, no carrier, BCD time of year, SBS time of day
IRIG A133: 1000pps, AM sine wave signal, 10kHz carrier, BCD time of year, SBS time of day
IRIG A006: 1000pps, DCLS signal, no carrier, BCD time of year, BCD year
IRIG A136: 1000pps, AM sine wave signal, 10kHz carrier, BCD time of year, BCD year
IRIG A007: 1000pps, DCLS signal, no carrier, BCD time of year, BCD year, SBS time-of-day
IRIG A137: 1000pps, AM sine wave signal, 10kHz carrier, BCD time of year, BCD year, SBS time-of-day
IRIG B002: 100pps, DCLS signal, no carrier, BCD time of year
IRIG B122: 100pps, AM sine wave signal, 1 kHz carrier, BCD time of year
IRIG B003: 100pps, DCLS signal, no carrier, BCD time of year, SBS time of day
IRIG B123: 100pps, AM sine wave signal, 1kHz carrier, BCD time of year, SBS time of day
IRIG B006: 100 pps, DCLS Signal, no carrier, BCD time of year, BCD year
IRIG B126: 100 pps, AM sine wave signal, 1 kHz carrier frequency, BCD time of year, BCD year
IRIG B007: 100 pps, DCLS Signal, no carrier, BCD time of year, BCD year, SBS time-of-day
IRIG B127: 100 pps, AM sine wave signal, 1 kHz carrier frequency, BCD time of year, BCD year, SBS time-of-day
IRIG G002: 10000pps, DCLS Signal, no carrier, BCD time of year
IRIG G142: 10000pps, AM sine wave signal, 100 kHz carrier frequency, BCD time of year
IRIG G006: 10000pps, DCLS Signal, no carrier, BCD time of year, BCD year
IRIG G146: 10000pps, AM sine wave signal, 100 kHz carrier frequency, BCD time of year, BCD year
IEEE1344: Code according to IEEE1344-1995, 100pps, AM sine wave signal, 1kHz carrier, BCD time of year, SBS time of day, IEEE1344 expansion for date, time zone, daylight saving and leap second in Control Functions Segment
C37.118: Like IEEE1344 - with turned sign bit for UTC-Offset
AFNOR: Code according to NFS-87500, 100pps, AM sine wave signal, 1kHz carrier, BCD time of year, complete date, SBS time of day
Electrical Connectors Female BNC-connectors
male 9-pole D-Sub connector
WEEE status of the product This product is handled as a B2B category product. In order to secure a WEEE compliant waste disposal it has to be returned to the manufacturer. Any transportation expenses for returning this product (at its end of life) have to be incurred by the end user, whereas Meinberg will bear the costs for the waste disposal itself.
Unmodulated Time Code Output (DC Level Shift) IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500 signal, TTL into 50 ohm and RS-422, active high or active low selectable by jumper.
Modulated Time Code Output IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500 signal, 3 Vpp (high) and 1 Vpp (low) into 50 ohm.
Accuracy Free run ±1·E-8 if the decoder was synchronous for at least 1 h
IRIG Time Code Input IRIG - A002/A132, A003/A133, A006/A136, A007/A137, B002/B122, B003/B123, B006/B126, B007/B127, G002/G142, G006/G146, IEEE 1344, AFNOR NFS 87-500 and IEEE C37.118 (other codes on request)
Precision of timebase ±250 nsec compared to IRIG reference marker
Required accuracy of time code source: ±100ppm
Backup Battery Type When main power supply fails, hardware clock runs free on quartz basis, life time of lithium battery min. 10 years
Board type Low Profile card (68,90 x 150 mm)
Input Signal Modulated IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500 signal, input insulated by transformer, input impedance 50 ohm, 600 ohm or 5 kohm selectable by jumper.

Unmodulated (DC level shift) IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500 signal, input insulated by photocoupler.
Statusbyte Information about holdover mode, Synchronisation since last reset and the validity of the RTC data.
Time Trigger Inputs Triggered by falling TTL slope Time of trigger event readable via computer slot or optional second RS232-interface
Computer Interface Single lane (x1) PCI Express (PCIe) Interface
PCI Express r1.0a compatible
Key Features Generation of IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500 time codes
2 time-trigger-inputs
PCI Express Interface
Plug and play
Programmable Pulse Outputs
Memory Mapped I/O time reads for high access rates
2 RS-232 interfaces
Status LEDs
Reception of time code formats IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500
Configurable time zone
Driver software for all popular operating systems
Optional optical input and/or output for time codes
DDS frequency synthesizer
Operating Temperature 0 ... 50°C / 32 ... 122°F
Interface Two independent serial RS232 interfaces
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