Voltage Multipliers (VMI) are a leading manufacturer of High Voltage Multipliers.
VMI caters specifically to users needing power supplies beyond the typical low-voltage range. VMI's power supplies are suited for applications requiring high voltage, such as HeNe lasers, CRT displays, X-ray equipment, and high-energy physics experiments. Their offerings cover a wide spectrum, with outputs ranging from a few thousand volts (kV) up to 123 kV depending on the model.

XRS Power Supplies
-40kV to -50kV • 100μA – 200μA • 4W –10W
Portable XRS x-ray power supplies are great for applications requiring -50kV and 10W. Lightweight, rugged, compact.
Available in -40kV, 100uA or -50kV 200uA outputs.

CRT Power Supplies
6kV to 18kV Adjustable Output Voltage • 0 – 550uA Adjustable Anode Current
CRS power supplies were designed specifically for use with CRT displays. CRTs are still around, and VMI is one of the few sources for CRT power supplies.
Two models are available – CRS 6kV-18kV with wire lead.

LPS Power Supplies
10kV • 5mA • 11W
Designed for critical HeNe laser applications, the LPS series of DC input power supplies features low ripple current, high efficiency, excellent stability, and short circuit protection. Parts may be ordered in a range of input voltage and output current combinations. Available options include: Low Ripple (including EMI shielding), Remote Enable, CDRH Delay, and Epoxy Potting.

LP6 Power Supplies
10kV • 5mA • 6W
The HeNe laser power supply, LP6, features low ripple current, high efficiency, excellent load & line regulation, plus short circuit protection. It comes available in several different DC input voltages and Run Current settings, and positive or negative 10kV start voltage.
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