Keithley 2110-120 5.5 -digit USB DMM (120V) | APC Technology Group



Keithley Instruments

Keithley 5.5 Digit USB Digital Multimeter (120V)

The 2110-120 5.5 Digit Dual-Display Digital Multimeter combines a compelling price with a comprehensive set of capabilities, superior measurement accuracy, and high speed for a broad range of applications. The Keithley 2110-120 features 15 measurement functions and 7 math functions and has dual-line display capability, which allows it to display two different measurements concurrently. The Keithley 2110-120 is an unbeatable value for production, R&D, and test engineers, scientists, and students making a wide variety of measurements in portable, bench, and system applications.

High Accuracy, Abundant Capabilities, Low Cost

The 2110-120 provides precision and a rich set of capabilities at a value price. It has 0.012% one-year basic DC voltage accuracy and 0.020% one-year basic resistance accuracy up to the 100 kΩ range.


At 5.5 digits, the Keithley 2110 delivers up to 200 readings/s via the USB remote interface. At the fast 4.5 digit setting, it reads up to 50,000 readings/s and up to 30,000 readings/s into the buffer, making it ideal for production and monitoring applications in which speed is critical.


The Keithley 2110-120 is operational and intuitive to use right out of the box. The functions on the front panel are user-friendly and easy to read. It's KITool and KI-Link software allows users to quickly control the instrument over USB, record measurements and display time-series plots of the data. Its LabView® and IVI drivers give more-advanced customers even more control over the instrument. The TMC-compliant USB remote interface allows easy re-use of existing SCPI programs.

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2110-120 Specifications

  • High accuracy and high speed for general-purpose measurements 
  • 15 measurement functions, including capacitance and thermocouple measurements 
  • Dual-line display allows concurrent measurements
  • TMC-compliant USB 2.0 interface for use with SCPI test commands
  • GPIB option for use in system applications
  • Includes PC software utilities for graphing and data sharing in both Microsoft® Word and Excel
  • Rugged construction for durability in bench/portable applications
  • Includes all accessories, such as start-up software, USB cable, power cable, and safety test leads
  • CE compliant and UL listed
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Manual, semi-automatic, and automatic testing of low-cost electronic devices, circuits, modules, electrical components, and semiconductor components.

Display LCD 2 line
Connectivity USB (TMC)
Maximum DC Current
Maximum AC Current
Maximum AC Voltage
Whats Included

Reference Manual on CD, Specifications, LabVIEW® Driver, Keithley I/O Layer, USB Cable, Power Cable, Safety Test Leads, KI-Tool, and KI-Link Add-in (both Microsoft Word and Excel versions), Calibration Certificate

Product Type
Basic DCV Accuracy
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Data Sheet Click here to view

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