
100 MHz - 1 GHz, Channel RF Power Sensors

4042 Series, Directional Channel Power Sensors are digital RF sensors designed for use with the 3141 Channel Power Monitor (CPM). The sensors are typically used to measure forward and reflected average power on a 50 ohm RF transmission line with maximum 500 watt forward and reflected power levels in a frequency band with an overall range of 100 to 1000 MHz. The 4042 sensor also provides VSWR readings. The 4042 Channel Sensor is unique in that it is able to measure the forward power, reflected power and VSWR of a SINGLE CHANNEL in the presence of multiple channels at the output of a frequency combiner. The sensor can also measure the forward power, reflected power and the VSWR of the composite signal by scanning up to 16 individual channels and summing their power. The 4042 Channel Sensor uses an RS-485 serial bus for data transfer to and from a CPM. Each sensor is equipped with two RJ-25 jacks, either jack may be connected to a CPM. The second RJ-25 jack may be used to extend the RS-485 bus to another digital sensor. Multiple digital sensors may be serially connected in this fashion, allowing as many as 16 sensors to be connected to a CPM.
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Product Brand Name Channel Directional RF Power Sensor - RJ-25
Manufacturer Bird
Frequency Range (100 MHz to 1000 MHz)
Insertion Loss <0.2 dB
VSWR Range <1.15:1 (max)
PIM <-145 dBc
Forward Power Range 25 to 500 W (05 option), 1 to 50 W (06 option)
Max Reflected Power Measurement 10 dB below Forward Power Range
Power 7-18 VDC, <500 mA (from 3141)
Power Accuracy ±5% of reading
Dynamic Range 17 dB
Temperature Range 0 to 50°C (32 to 122 °F)
Dimensions 5.2"x 3.8" x 1.4" (132 x 96.5 x 35.5 mm)
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