CNT-104S Pendulum Instruments | APC Technology Group



Pendulum Instruments

Four channel 400 MHz Frequency Analyser with optional RF-channel up to 24 GHz

The Pendulum CNT-104S Multi-Channel Frequency Analyser is a revolutionary new concept for super-performance multichannel frequency and time-interval analysis in a bench-top unit.

Users can track parallel frequency, phase or time simultaneously on 4 input channels on the large graphic screen. These instruments feature gap-free measurements and have <7 ps resolution time resolution, up to 13 digits/s frequency resolution, and a measuring speed of 20M results/s.

The CNT-104S can replace and outperform any existing Timer/Counter/Analyser currently on the market.

Super-high-performance: 4-channel, ultra-high speed and 7 ps resolution

The ultra-high single-shot resolution gives better insights into the design under test, faster results in phase comparisons between clocks, more accurate calibration, and allows capture of very small time/phase changes. Track and compare 4 parallel signals with 7 ps resolution/timestamp, at a speed of 50 ns between samples in each channel.

Gap-free, zero-dead-time counting provides back-to-back measurements without losing any cycle, even for very long measurements. The CNT-104S is also a high-performance Modulation Domain Analyser (MDA). Thanks to the high speed of up to 20M meas./s for 4 parallel signals, very fast frequency or phase/time changes can be captured in real-time. CNT-104S has a unique 4-channel design, plus an optional RF input. All channels perform parallel, independent, and gap-free time-stamping of the input signal. This allows for new measurements that earlier required many instruments, like phase comparison of 4 atomic clocks, without the need for a switch. And Multi-stop Time-Interval measurements (1 start and 3 stop events) for time-of-flight measurements in physical research.

Save money in production test

The 4-channel design enables 4 parallel frequency measurements. One CNT-104S can replace 4 existing frequency counters in a test system at a lower cost/counter.

Using the optional rackmount adapter, you will have 8 parallel frequency counters in a 19”, 2U high rack space.  You can choose between Ethernet, WLAN*, or USB** as a communication interface to a PC/Laptop/Tablet, or to the test system controller. High bus speed reduces test time in ATE test systems. Perform fast block measurements up to 170k meas/s. Test time is reduced compared to existing solutions, and time is money.

* Requires an external USB WiFi dongle

** Later availability. USB full SW functionality will be available as future SW

upgrades for early purchased units

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More Information
Attribute Value
Safety EN 61010-1:2011, pollution degree 2, installation/over voltage category II, measurement category I, CE, indoor use only CSA C22.2 No 61010-1-12
Key Features
  • Four channel 400 MHz Frequency Analyser with optional RF-channel
    up to 24 GHz
  • New measurement modes: 4 parallel counters in one box; Multi-stop Time Interval
  • Gap-free zero-dead-time frequency/ period measurements
  • Ultra-high resolution: Time: <7 ps; Freq.: 12-13 digits/s
  • Ultra-high measurement speed: up to 20M meas./s to internal memory
  • Fast bus speed; 170k meas/s in block mode
  • Graphic touch screen display for settings and display of values, statistics (numeric and distribution graph), trend & modulation domain
  • Touch screen can be mouse controlled and/or controlled via web-server from anywhere in the world
  • Intelligent and easy-to-use
Shock Half-sine 30G per MIL-PRF-28800F; Bench handling
Vibration Random and sinusoidal according to MIL-PRF-28800F, Class 3
  • Rack-mount kit
  • Soft carrying case
  • Heavy-duty hard transport case
  • Calibration certificate with protocol
    • Standard TCXO oscillator
    • Oven oscillator
  • Extended warranty 2 extra years
  • Printed user manual
  • Printed programmer manual
  • Service manual
  • Printed "Getting Started" guide
Transit Drop Test According to MIL-PRF-28800F
Class MIL-PRF-28800F, Class 3
Built in High Frequency Input C Options
  • 3 GHz Input C
  • 10 GHz Input C (HW)
  • SW upgrade from 10 to 15 GHz
  • SW upgrade from 15 to 20 GHz
  • SW upgrade from 20 to 24 GHz
EMC EN 61326-1:2013-06, increased test levels according to EN 61000-6-2:2008, Group 1, Class B, CE
Storage Temperature -40°C to +71°C
Operating Temperature

0°C to +50°C (bench-top), 0°C to +40°C (rack-mount)

Dimensions 210 x 90 x 395 mm
More Information
Attribute Value
Data Sheet Click here to view

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