
Switch Module for Seamless Switchover of Backplane Signals

This module is required for redundant clock module configurations and switches the Synchronisation signals from the selected clock module to the IMS backplane (most I/O modules use these backplane signals to generate their output signals). A new feature offers a phase neutral switchover for LIU output cards, avoiding phase jumps for telecommunication signals (E1/T1). The RSC can be configured to automatically switch between the two clock modules based on their status but it is also possible to manually select the clock module using the selection switches.
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Relative Humidity Max. 85%
Further information The RSC- Redundant Switch Control card controls the switchover of the reference clock in redundant systems with two receiver units. The RSC is used to switchover the pulse and frequency outputs and the serial interfaces between the available receivers. The controls of the module allow the selection of different modes in which the RSC operates. The status LEDs indicate which receiver is selected as a master clock and the current operating state of the switching module.
Status info Four Status LEDs
  • LED Init: Lights up in blue during initialization and turns off after booting.
  • LED Remote: Lights red, if the remote function was activated via the network, otherwise the LED is off.
  • LED CLK1 / CLK2: These LEDs show the current switching state of the board. Both LEDs are turned off if the boards outputs are deactivated.
WEEE status of the product This product is handled as a B2B category product. In order to secure a WEEE compliant waste disposal it has to be returned to the manufacturer. Any transportation expenses for returning this product (at its end of life) have to be incurred by the end user, whereas Meinberg will bear the costs for the waste disposal itself.
RoHS Yes
Key Features
  • Switchcard as a central module used in redundant GNSS based time Synchronisation systems
  • Switches signal outputs automatically between two satellite receivers
  • Automatic switching can be disabled (manual override)
  • Remote management and monitoring of the switchcard is possible over the network
  • Supported networking protocols: IPv4, SNMP, TELNET, GPSMON32
  • Allows configuration and status queries via network (TCP/IP) either via SNMP or special software (GPSMON32 )
  • Supports SNMP requests as well as SNMP Traps (alarm messages for defined events, e.g. NOT SYNC or ANTENNA FAULTY)
Operating Temperature 0 ... 50°C / 32 ... 122°F
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