


3D Plus

SDRAM Memory Controller IP Core for 3DCM734/3DCM739, AMBA compliant User Interface, Data error management and scrubbing mechanism

3DIPCC0735-1 is an IP memory controller intended to be used with the SDRAM memory integrated into the 3D Plus CMOS Space Camera modules: 3DCM739 (RGB sensor) and 3DCM734 (monochrome sensor). This code brings the capability to operate the two 512Mb SDRAM memories (64Mb x 8b) handling interfaces and radiation mitigation mechanisms.

The SDRAM memory controller provides all fucntions of a sandard SDRAM controller (16b data plus 6 additional check bits for ECC) and data error management including an ECC and scrubbing mechanism. This IP code can support a maximum input clock of 72 MHz. It has been developed according to ECSS-Q-ST-60-02C ESA standard.

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Product Type 4 Megapixels CMOS Space Camera Head and IPs

To request a datasheet, contact a member of our high-reliability team [email protected]

Memory 2 x 512Mb SDRAM
  • User interface AMBA compliant (AXI/AHB)
  • Automatic pointers management for FIFO-like use for image data streaming and buffering through AXI-4 Stream interfaces
  • Configurable through 8-bit AMBA APB interface
  • Configurable refresh time
  • SECDEC Hamming error-correcting code (can be enabled or disabled, with an impact on usable memory space)
  • Memory scrubbing mechanism (can be enabled or disabled, with user-defined frequency)
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Data Sheet Click here to view

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