


3D Plus

Space Qualified Standard Flight Code for 3DCM734/3DCM739, Easy sensor and memories management, Standard SpaceWire Interface

3DIPCC0746-1 IP core has been conceived to be integrated into the 3D Plus CMOS Space Camera modules: 3DCM739 (RGB sensor) and 3DCM734 (monochrome sensor). It provides a simple and efficient interface to support camera applications and processing video data in a user-friendly manner. All internal memories are managed automaically as FIFOs and no addresses have to be managed by the user. However, this architecture does not allow to read the same sequence twice in order to remain simple and transparent to the user.

This IP Core also brings the capability to operate the memories without having to focus on interfaces and especially on radiation mitigation mechanism. The SpaceWire interface is the main user interface and used for:

  • Telecommands (eg: dynamic configuration of registers)
  • Telemetries (eg: reading sensor's temperature)
  • Video data sreaming output, telecommands and telemetries that can be sent asynchronously

The SpaceWire IP Core supports DDR mode (up to 128 Mbps in transmission mode) and is compliant with ECSS-E-ST-50-52C and ECSS-E-ST-50-53C. Finally, eleven static GPIO signals and 2 PWM outputs are availabl and can be managed through this code. 3DIPCC0746-1 IP has been developed according to ECSS-Q-ST-60-02C ESA standards.

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Product Type 4 Megapixels CMOS Space Camera Head and IPs

To request a datasheet, contact a member of our high-reliability team [email protected]

Memory 2 x 512Mb SDRAM and 1Gb x 8b NAND Flash
  • Simplified camera operation allowing to take pictures/ videos (short or infinite sequences)
  • Low level image processing functionalities by implementing a 2x2 binning algorithm and windowing
  • Dynamic configuration of the registers through telecommands: Integration time, Gain, Window position and size
  • Provides telemetry with the image itself: Integration time, Gain, Window position and size (X/Y offsets and width/height), Test mode, Health status and Self-test
  • Complete access to the SPI configuration resistors of the sensor
  • Calibration of the LVDS links (synchronisation of the receiving side with the LVDS outputs of the sensor)
  • Adjustable frame rate through dedicated registers
  • Maximum acheivable data rate of the CMOS sensor:
    • 30 Mpx/s in 10-bit mode
    • 24 Mpx/s in 12-bit mode
  • Robust yet simple user interface based on SpaceWire
    • Up to 64 Mbps for reception (telecommands and configuration)
    • Up to 128 Mbps for transmission (telemetries and video streaming):
      • 6 Mpx/s in 10-bit mode and 12-bit mode
  • All internal memories managed like FIFOs for video data streaming and buffering
  • SDRAM (2 x 512Mb) memory management
    • Configurable refresh time of the SDRAM (2 x 512Mb)
    • SECDEC Hamming error-correcting code (can be enabled or disabled, with an impact on usable memory space)
    • Memory scrubbing mechanism (can be enabled or disabled, with user-defined frequency)
  • NAND Flash (1Gb x 8b) memory management
    • Bad block management
    • Specific operations for NAND Flash (Self-Test, Format, Add a Bad Block and Fetch Falling block)
      • Up to 1.6 Mpx/s write capability
      • Up to 1.4 Mpx/s read capability
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Data Sheet Click here to view

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