



WP50 field probe 10 Hz to 3 kHz

Capable of measuring E and H fields from 10 Hz to 3 kHz the WP50 field probe is compatible with Wavecontrol’s SMP2 and MonitEM equipment.

Uses include:
Power grid: Spot or continuous measurement of E and H at transformer stations and high-voltage lines.
Railway: Measurement of E and H fields generated in trains or near railway facilities.
Industry: Measurement in manufacturing facilities with strong electromagnetic fields to ensure workplace safety.
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Key Features
  • Electric & Magnetic field measurement
  • Isotropic & True RMS measurement
  • Probe weighted dependant on the selected limit
  • Measurements in accordance with IEC 62110 and IEC 61786
Frequency Response ± 20 % (typ.) of standard (25 Hz - 1 kHz)
± 25 % (max.)
Frequency Range 10 Hz - 3 kHz
Sensitivity Weighted (E, H) 0.025 %
Flat response E field 2.5 V/m
Flat response H field 0.05 μT
Linearity ± 1 % (typ.) (1 % - 100 % of standard)
± 2 % (max.)
Accessory Type Probe
Type of Frequency Response 1) Weighted (Results displayed in % of the selected standard)
2) Flat response (Results in V/m, μT, etc. )
Exposure Limits Public and occupational ICNIRP 2010
Customizable to other standards
Probe Measurement Range Weighted mode (ICNIRP 2010) : E field: 0.025 % - 200 % of limit (RMS value)
H field: 0.025 % - 200 % of limit (RMS value)

Field Strength Mode : E field: 2.5 V/m - 20000 V/m (RMS)
H field: 0.05 μT - 2000 μT (RMS)
Isotropic Response ± 5 % (typ.)
Calibration Period 24 months (recommended)
Field Sensor Area 100 cm2
Temperature Deviation Damage_Level+AO3
Operating Temperature - 15 °C t° 50 °C
Dynamic Range 92 db
Sensor Type Isotropic, RMS
Combined measurement of electric and magnetic field
Calibration ISO 17025 Accredited Calibration (ILAC)
  • Energy: IEC/EN 62110
  • Induction heating: EN 50519
  • Electric arc or induction smelting
  • Workplace assessment: EN 50499
  • Human exposure assessment: EN 50413
  • Other low frequency applications
Dimensions 270 mm x 115 mm Ø
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Data Sheet Click here to view

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