ADA-2052 Marki Microwave | APC Technology Group



Marki Microwave

MMIC Amplifier/Doubler/Amplifer

The ADA-2052 can be used as a frequency extender to enhance the frequency range of a <26 GHz synthesizer up to 52 GHz. Useful for lab testing, test and measurement, and prototype systems.

It consists of an input buffer ADM-5974CH amplifier, MMD-2060HCH doubler, and output buffer AMM-6702CH amplifier to provide a +16 dBm output (suitable for driving most mixers) from a -6 to +2 dBm input.

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More Information
Attribute Value
Minimum Input (GHz) 10
Maximum Input (GHz) 26
Minimum Output (GHz) 20
Maximum Output (GHz) 52
Input Level (dBm) -6 to +2
Output Level (dBm) +16
Typical Suppression (avg) 30
Bias (V/mA) +4V/-0.6V@400mA
More Information
Attribute Value
Data Sheet Click here to view

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