Broadcasting Industry | APC Technology Group

Synchronisation Solutions for the Broadcast Media Industry

Supporting professional video production and audio production with IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) networking equipment.

As the exclusive distributor in the UK and Ireland for Meinberg, APC Technology Group’s Systems team have a successful heritage supporting the broadcasting industry with bespoke Network Time Protocol (NTP) and Precision Time Protocol (PTP) synchronisation solutions.

IEEE 1588 PTP – the standard for synchronising broadcast technology

meinberg ptp track hound​meinberg ptp track hound​

Unlike traditional NTP, which operates with millisecond accuracy, PTP can achieve nanosecond-level precision, making it ideal for high definition tv broadcast.

Used in conjunction with the SMPTE ST 2059-2 profile, it is the basis for IP-based production environments and helps the broadcast media industry achieve frame-accurate synchronisation of audio and video.

Supporting traditional, full IP and hybrid studio environments

meinberg lantimemeinberg lantime

As the broadcasting industry transitions from SDI (Serial Digital Interface) to IP-based environments, studios are adopting different infrastructure models to balance performance, cost, and flexibility. 

Meinberg’s LANTIME series of time servers are designed to enable interoperability of traditional (Black-Burst, Tri-Level Sync, AES Word-Clock) and future (IEEE-1588 PTP) synchronisation of professional broadcasting equipment and video production.

Outdoor Broadcasting Solutions

In addition to studio-based broadcast environments, APC’s Systems team can help with solutions for outdoor broadcast. Live sporting events and news coverage often use multiple cameras, microphones, and production units spread across different locations. 

Our team can assist with selecting the right equipment to ensure that all devices remain perfectly synchronised, preventing lip-sync errors, frame misalignment, and jitter in video and audio streams.

Typical Applications and Broadcast Solutions APC's Specialist Teams Support 

Modular time and frequency NTP servers

PTP Grandmaster clocks supporting the SMPTE ST 2059-2 profile

Studio synchronisation input cards

Compact and flexible synchronisation solutions for outdoor broadcast environments

Synchronisation signal generators for studio applications

Featuring solutions from leading manufacturers

outside broadcastingoutside broadcasting

IP networking solutions for Outside Broadcast

PTPv2 switches, clocks and software for boradcastPTPv2 switches, clocks and software for boradcast

PTPv2 Setup Package for Broadcast Environments

National TV and Broadcasting InstitutionNational TV and Broadcasting Institution

Case Study: National TV and Broadcasting Institution


meinberg microsync broadcastmeinberg microsync broadcast

microSync Product Family: Powerful IEEE 1588 PTP Grandmasters and NTP Servers

Meinberg’s multipurpose synchronisation solution is available in different form factors to best suit your network requirements.

Get expert advice

We pride ourselves on our product knowledge and technical expertise in finding the ideal component, product or system for your broadcast requirements. 

For further information on how APC can help with your project, contact a member of our team today.