Hioki diode tester FT4310 | APC Technology Group




Bypass Diode Tester FT4310 - Inspect Solar Panel Bypass Diodes for Opens and Shorts in Broad Daylight Without Covering Panels

Traditionally, bypass diodes can only be inspected for good working condition at night or when power is not being generated by the solar panels in order to verify that any applied current is guided past the solar cells. With the FT4310 Bypass Diode Tester, you can detect for open faults even when the sun is out without covering the panels. Also test for short-circuit faults and cell string losses.
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Key Features
  • Test for open or short-circuit bypass diodes even during the day *1
  • Easily test using the strings in the junction boxes *2
  • Save time - simultaneously measure all electrical parameters *3
  • Automatically transfer data wirelessly (Available for Android and iOS devices *4)
Basic Specifications
Bypass diode comparator judgment, Bypass route resistor, Open-circuit voltage, Short-circuit current, Measurement (applied) current
Measurement object Crystal system string
Open-circuit voltage: 1000 V DC or less, Rated current: 2 A to 12 A DC

The FT4310 cannot measure strings that are installed in parallel or complex strings that are installed in combination.
Measurement method Short-circuit and pulse voltage application
Measurement accuracy Open-circuit voltage: ±0.2% rdg. ±3 dgt. (at 0 to ±1000 V)
Short-circuit current: ±3% rdg. ±3 dgt. (at 0.0 to 15.0 A)
Bypass route resistance: ±5% rdg. ±5 dgt. (at 0.0 to 15.0 Ω, During pure
resistance measurement)
Measurement time 2 s or less (3 seconds or less when measurement voltage is 10 V or less)
Possible number of measurements 3000 times (Comparator, backlight, Bluetooth® OFF)
LR6 Alkaline battery × 6
Instrument Type Diode Tester
Notes The FT4310 cannot measure strings installed in parallel. Please contact your authorized Hioki distributor or reseller for more information. *Android, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.*iOS is a registered trademark of Cisco Technology, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries.*iPhone, iPad, iPad mini, iPad Pro and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc.*Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.*Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, and Excel are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.*The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by HIOKI E.E. CORPORATION is under license. *For the latest information about countries and regions where wireless operation is currently supported, please visit the Hioki website. Data can be downloaded to tablets and smartphones using Hioki’s dedicated free app "GENNECT Cross," available from the Google Play or App Store.
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Data Sheet Click here to view

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