Marki Microwave
Double-Balanced Mixers
Marki’s legendary hybrid mixers offer low conversion loss, high isolation, and low LO drive capability across incredible bandwidths. While they have been surpassed in nonlinearity performance by T3, MMIC, and Microlithic® designs in smaller form factor chip and surface mount packages, legacy mixer connectorised modules are still a sound choice for legacy systems and laboratory use.
M1 double balanced mixers have excellent isolations and conversion loss to 26 GHz. M2 triple balanced mixers offer ultrabroadband overlapping frequency coverage on all three ports. M4 diplexed IF mixers have very broadband RF/LO frequency coverage with low IF frequencies, excellent for test and measurement applications.
M8 mixers offer high isolations and very low conversion loss using a specially balanced technique. M9 millimeter wave double balanced mixers offer high frequency RF/LO coverage with high IF frequencies.
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Attribute | Value |
Key Features |
IF (GHz) | DC to 6 |
LO Drive Min (dBm) | +7 to +22 |
Conversion Loss (dB) | 5.5 |
Isolations L-R (dB) | 40 |
Isolations L-I (dB) | 20 |
RF/LO (GHz) Low | |
RF/LO (GHz) High | |
Product Type | Legacy Mixer |
Attribute | Value |
Data Sheet | Click here to view |