Keysight N1914A EPM Series Double-Channel Power Meter |APC Technology Group



Keysight Technologies

EPM Series Dual-Channel Power Meter

As signals become more complex, making fast, accurate power measurements become more difficult. For years, you’ve depended on Keysight’s EPM Series power meters. Today, the Keysight N1913A and N1914A EPM Series power meters are versatile, user-friendly replacements for the discontinued E4418B/19B EPM Series. Best of all, you get these extras for about the same price. Get consistent results and greater capability—with the new EPM Series power meters.

The N1914A dual-channel power meter is compatible with all N8480, 8480, and E-series (except the E9320 family) power sensors, and U2000/U8480 Series and U2050 X-Series USB power sensors provide average power measurements from -70 to +44 dBm, DC to 120 GHz.

Do More with New-Generation EPM Series Power Meters

  • Frequency range of DC to 120 GHz (sensor dependent)
  • Wide dynamic range of -70 to +44 dBm (sensor dependent)
  • Go beyond GPIB with LAN LXI-C and USB connectivity
  • Code-compatible with E4418/19B power meters* and 436A/37B/38A power meters (option 200)
  • Increased measurement channels: up to four channels with two additional U2000/U8480 Series and U2050 X-Series USB power sensors connected using the optional USB hosts
  • Automated frequency/power sweep measurements with the optional external trigger in/out feature
  • A BenchVue software license (BV0007B) is included with your instrument. BenchVue makes it simple to connect, control instruments, and automate test sequences.
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More Information
Attribute Value
Absolute Accuracy ± 0.02 dB logarithmic, ± 0.5 % linear
Whats Included
  • Power cord
  • Power sensor cable, 1.5 m (5 ft) (One per N1913A, two per N1914A)
  • USB cable Type A to Mini-B, 6 ft
Dimensions 212.6 mm W x 88.5 mm H x 348.3 mm D
Power range –70 to +44 dBm (100 pW to 25 W), sensor dependent
Key Features
  • Supports all average power sensors and their frequency range. The power range depends on the connected power sensor
  • Measurement speed: Up to 400 readings/sec with E-Series sensors
  • Absolute accuracy: ± 0.02 dB logarithmic, ± 0.5% linear
  • Relative accuracy: ± 0.04 dB logarithmic, ± 1% linear
Interface GPIB, USB and LAN interfaces operates to IEEE 488.2 standard
Frequency DC to 120 GHz
More Information
Attribute Value
Data Sheet Click here to view

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