APC showcases EMF and RF test equipment at Mast and Tower Safety Group (MATS) event
APC Technology Group will be exhibiting at the upcoming Mast and Tower Safety Group (MATS) conference, taking place at the Coventry Building Society Arena on Tuesday 26th April 2022.
The theme of this year’s conference is promoting work at height and radio frequency safety. APC will be exhibiting alongside our test equipment partners Bird and Wavecontrol to showcase our range of safety monitoring products and RF power measuring equipment.

The Mast and Tower Safety Group consists of organisations that own or manage masts and towers or any other structure where there are specific and significant work and height and occupational radio frequency (RF) hazards.
APC Technology Group has extensive experience within RF and test and measurement, both in the supply of electronic RF and Microwave components, cable, connectors and antennas and within our large portfolio of test and measurement equipment.

Bird Technologies
APC Technology Group has more than 40 years’ expertise in the Bird range of RF power monitoring equipment and is the European Service Centre for calibration, servicing and repair of Bird equipment.
Mike Gathergood, Bird’s EMEA Sales Manager will be attending MATS and will be available to talk to visitors about Bird’s range of handheld spectrum analysers, used to analyse sources of interference, and Bird’s Signal Hawk cable and antenna analyser which can help troubleshoot antenna and cable systems.

As the UK and Ireland exclusive distributor for Wavecontrol products, we are delighted to be able to show visitors to MATS our range of EMF monitoring equipment for worker safety.
This includes the Arqiva approved WaveMon personal radio frequency monitors and the SMP2, a 3-in-1 field meter that records broadband measurements (DC to 60GHz), frequency spectrum analysis (DC to 400kHz) and static field measurements. Rosa Gasch, Wavecontrol’s International Sales Manager will be joining the APC stand at MATS.
If you would like a member of our sales team to contact you
regarding our RF technologies or test equipment please
call 0330 313 3220 or email [email protected]