Techaya announce new addition to MIL-STD VPX networking product range
The new MILTECH 320G3UVPX supports 32 10G ports with an optional 40G configuration.
Techaya is expanding its high-reliable military-grade power and networking product offering with a new VPX Ethernet Switch product range - aligned to SOSA. The MILTECH 320G3UVPX is a cost-effective, 3U VPX Ethernet switching solution and is instantly compatible with any VPX platform.
The MILTECH 320G3UVPX, complies with the most advanced SOSA IPMI management requirements in the market today, including VITA 46.11 Tier II. This 3U VPX module offers 32 x 10G Ports, 4 of them can be combined and configured as a single 40G port.
Ports Slot Profiles per SOSA:
- SLT3SWH2F24U14.4.3
24 x 10GKR + 2 x 40GKR - SLT3SWH6F1U7U14.4.14
6 x 40GKR + 7/8 x 10GKR

Security features include secure boot via dedicated FPGA, BIT functionality, zeroisation and data declassification. Full Layer 3 management features include VRRP, OSPF V3, PIM, RIP V1/V2, ECMP.
IEEE 1588 protocol and QoS. The MILTECH 320G3UVPX is the ultimate solution for military applications that require 3U form factor networking solution and alignment with the SOSA technical standard.
Ideal for unmanned military applications
One of the biggest advancements in defence technologies over the last decade has been the development of unmanned vehicles including:
- Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or Drones
- Land autonomous vehicles (UGVs)
- Robotics and other unmanned support vehicles
These vehicles must be agile, compact and highly intelligent. In order to support this sophisticated intelligence, these platforms may have to carry and connect a variety of Ethernet-based devices including computers, sensors, and targeting systems - all in compact platforms that must operate in extreme environmental conditions, making the MILTECH 320G3UVPX an ideal choice for UAV applications. This VPX switch is designed for integrating into system-level solutions being developed with size, weight, power and cost (SWaP-C) at top of mind.

TECHAYA's complete line of Ethernet switches, routers, USB hubs and media converters/network taps are designed from PCB up to meet the extreme environmental, quality and SWAP-C requirements for dismounted soldiers, both large and small unmanned systems, fixed and rotary aircraft, AFVs, missiles and naval vessel communication platforms.