Wavecontrol MapEM RF EMF Level Maps | APC Technology Group




Wavecontrol MapEM Electromagnetic Maps - Asessement of exposure levels over large areas of cities or territories 

MapEM RF Electromagnetic Field Level Maps

The Wavecontrol MapEM system consists of a MonitEM monitoring device and control software. The MapEM creates a comprehensive map of electromagnetic field levels covering a large area, such as a city. The monitoring device can be easily installed on a vehicle to measure the electric field strength (V/m) as it drives around streets, providing a clear view of the RF field levels throughout the area.

Resistant to extreme weather conditions

MapEM devices have an environmental protection rating of IP 66, the highest in its class, meaning that they are dust tight and resistant to powerful water jets. A protection rating of IP 66 is indispensable for vehicle-mounted equipment since they must work outdoors while exposed to precipitation of any intensity and air-borne particles (dust and vehicle emissions).

MapEM Key Features:

  • Detection of sensitive points - with high radiation levels, to take corrective measures.
  • Comprehensive assessment - of electromagnetic exposure at street level in large areas (cities)
  • Year-on-year comparison - to assess developments in NIR levels depending on changes to infrastructure or technology.
  • Visual communication tool - to allow simple presentation of the public’s exposure to electromagnetic fields.
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More Information
Attribute Value
Dimensions 70 x 40 x 8 cm
Memory Capacity Micro SD (1 GByte) + Eeprom
Data Downloading Georeferenced data in Access, KML, or CSV format
Compatible Field Probes
  • WPT
  • WP50
  • WPF3
  • WPF6/8
  • WPF18
  • WPF40/60
  • WPH1000
  • WPH60
Temperature Range - 25 ºC to + 60 ºC
  • Systematic measurement: large-area outdoor coverage.
  • Visual Communication: highly effective visual communication tool.
  • Supplementary Solution: supplements SMP2 and MonitEM.
  • Year-on-year comparison: developments in levels shown on successive maps.
More Information
Attribute Value
Data Sheet Click here to view

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  1. SMP3-Streamer
  2. MonitEM-Lab
  3. MonitEM-IoT
  4. SMP2
  5. SMP3