
Power Supply 3272 - Power Supply Unit for Outputting Current Probe Signals to Memory HiCorders and Oscilloscopes

Hioki flat bandwidth current probes are best-in-class current sensors for use with Memory HiCorders and high performance oscilloscopes. The 3272 is a single channel power supply for outputting signals measured by the 3270 Series AC/DC Clamp On Probe to the data acquisition equipment.
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Key Features
  • Power supply for the Clamp on probe 3273-50 - 3276, CT6700 series
  • Supplies power when connected to a general-purpose instrument such as a recorder
Basic Specifications
Compatible sensors The CT6700, CT6701: up to 2 units
Note: When measuring the maximum peak current, only one unit
The 3273-50, 3274, 3275 or 3276: up to 1 unit
Note: May be used with up to 2 units of Model 3273 (not -50 type), and up to 2 units of Models 3273-50, 3274, 3275 or 3276 on condition that the measurement current is sufficiently low.
Note: The CT6710, CT6711 cannot be used
Number of power supply connectors 2
Output ±12 V ±0.5 V, 600 mA
(sum total of all channels)
Power supply 100 V or 120/ 220/ 240 V AC (specify when ordering), 50/60 Hz 20 VA max.
Dimensions and mass 73 mm (2.87 in)W × 110 mm (4.33 in)H × 186 mm (7.32 in)D, 1.1 kg (38.8 oz)
Accessories Power cord ×1, Instruction manual ×1, Spare fuse ×1
Accessory Type Power Supply
Notes These products cannot be used alone. To measure current, a compatible current sensor is required.
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Data Sheet Click here to view

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